Efe Godoy Lives and works in Belo Horizonte (Brazil), b. 1988


Efe Godoy, 1988, Sete Lagoas, MG, Brazil.

LIves and Works in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.


Seven years old Efe Godoy received a palm Reading that was eye opening for her to realize she would have an ongoing artistic trajectory, since then she knew she would draw her way out of her native city Sete Lagoas/MG. Nowadays she lives and works in Belo Horizonte. She went through Guignard School UEMG and continues her training through experiences in residency in Brazil and internationally. Some of those transformative experiences happened in the last few years such as the Bolsa Pampulha 2015/2016, the artistic residency in EAC-Montevideo, UY in 2018, the Adelina _SP residency, 2018, and recently : HEMIENCUENTRO _ INSTITUTO
HEMISPHERIC NY UNIVERSITY in Mexico City 2019,  and the Art performance show VERBO
in the Vermelho Gallery - SP. In a simple way she tries to interfere with others’ lives using the affect’s reverberation.

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