BDMG Cultural Exhibition Award

Cartas para um Lugar - Eduardo Hargreaves

The solo exhibition Cartas para um Lugar by Eduardo Hargreaves was awarded in the BDMG Cultural 2018 Exhibition Cycle and took place between September 15th and October 25th, 2018.


How to deal with empty, unknown or fragmented spaces?
How to inhabit and create a place from these voids?
Is the possibility of recomposing space, starting from fragments, also the possibility of perceiving emptiness and absence as places of construction?
Place of construction or the construction of a place: through different paths one can find themselves in a complex of images, a space typical of uncertainty, indeterminacy and the suspension of reason.

LETTERS TO A PLACE brings together different works that are constructed and relate exhaustively to questions surrounding the creation of a place.
The two paths suggested in the exhibition space aim to open up these questions, indicating a myriad of routes and connections that can be established based on the disposition of the observer's body and active gaze.
The works are related to the choice and use of materials, their technical and plastic characteristics. They are also permeated through the multiple readings and different understandings that maps offer to the eye and the possibilities of their reconstruction and resignification. In the same way, the borders drawn on maps, textual fragments and cartographic and topographic instructions are mirrored in the stains of oil, charcoal and pigments and in the changes in the physical state of the paraffin – as it melts, spreads and hardens.

LETTERS TO A PLACE is an invitation to navigate and cross fleeting, immaterial itineraries. An invitation to wander through a place specific to the intercurrences of desire, where perception and elaboration can take place in spaces of exchange between works, a building that emerges from the plot created in the set of propositions and establishments present.

Edward Hargreaves

September 15, 2018