Eduardo Hargreaves: Mezanino

2 August - 2 September 2023
Press release

Galeria Albuquerque Contemporânea, run by Flávia and Lucas Albuquerque, opens its doors to the new exhibition by visual artist Eduardo Hargreaves, which occupies the gallery's mezzanine, with a collection of works from his recent exhibitions "Brazil, Hy Brazil" and "Letters to a place."

In "Brazil, Hy Brazil", Eduardo Hargreaves presents the meeting of different investigations and processes, connected by the words: presence and absence. The selected works report a unique way of perceiving different modes of disappearance, erasure or subtraction of subjects, places and stories. In the words of the exhibition's curator, Luiz Gustavo Carvalho: “it encourages us to a proxemic trajectory relationship and also suggests the need to reconstruct a sensitive cartography in the face of the horror of the landscape that surrounds us.”

In "Letters to a Place", the artist questions the construction and elaboration of a space through multiple readings and the different understandings that maps offer to the eye and the possibilities of its reconstruction and resignification. According to the artist, the exhibition “is an invitation to navigate and cross fleeting, immaterial itineraries. An invitation to wander through a place specific to the intercurrences of desire, where perception and elaboration can take place in spaces of exchange between works, a building that emerges from the plot created in the set of propositions and establishments present.”