ArPa: São Paulo

Mercado Livre Arena Pacaembu , 26 - 30 June 2024 

The Albuquerque Contemporânea Art Gallery, for this edition of ArPa, presents two series of photographs by visual artist Rochelle Costi from Rio Grande do Sul.


FLORADA is a series that relates to the cycles of nature. The flower arrangements were created from walks around the neighborhood where Rochelle lived, less than four kilometers from the center of São Paulo. Native and exotic species that, despite being challenged by the metropolis' environmental imbalance, flourish periodically, according to nature's impulse. The tone and species present in each photo vary depending on the season. They were photographed in the morning, in the same corner of the pantry of her house.


BALANCE was carried out between March and April 2021, during the period of isolation due to the Covid 19 pandemic. The act of balancing objects on a small turned wooden column was also a resource for her own emotional balance.
The activity, carried out in the light that fell through a window in her studio onto a sheet of A5 paper between 9am and 2pm, yielded almost two hundred photos. Assembled individually, in pairs and in trios, the arrangement on the wall is reminiscent of the promise rooms in places of prayer and affirmation of faith.


Digital photographs, printed with mineral pigment on cotton paper.